Lab – Automation with CloudFormation
Deploying infrastructure in a consistent, reliable manner is difficult — it requires people to follow documented procedures without taking any undocumented shortcuts. Plus, it can be difficult to deploy infrastructure out-of-hours when less staff are available. AWS CloudFormation changes this by defining infrastructure in a template that can be automatically deployed — even on an automated schedule.
This lab provides experience in deploying and editing CloudFormation stacks. It is an interactive experience, requiring you to consult documentation to discover how to define resources within a CloudFormation template.
The lab will demonstrate how to:
- Deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack with a defined Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Security Group.
- Configure an AWS CloudFormation stack with resources, such as an Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3) bucket and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
- Terminate an AWS CloudFormation and its respective resources.
Task 1: Deploy a CloudFormation Stack
You will begin by deploying a CloudFormation stack that creates a VPC as shown in this diagram:
Right-click this link and download the CloudFormation template: task1.yaml
Open this file in a Text Editor (not a Word Processor).
Look through the file. You will notice several sections:
- The Parameters section is used to prompt for inputs that can be used elsewhere in the template. The template is asking for two IP address (CIDR) ranges for defining the VPC.
- The Resources section is used to define the infrastructure to be deployed. The template is defining the VPC, and a Security Group.
- The Outputs section is used to provide selective information about resources in the stack. The template is providing the Default Security Group for the VPC that is created.
The template is written in a format called YAML, which is commonly used for configuration files. The format of the file is important, including the indents and hyphens. CloudFormation templates can also be written in JSON.
You will now use this template to launch a CloudFormation stack.
In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, click CloudFormation.
Click Create stack then:
- Click Upload a template file
- Click Browse or Choose file and upload the template file you downloaded earlier
- Click Next
On the Specify Details page, configure:
Stack name:
In the Parameters section, you will see that CloudFormation is prompting for the IP address (‘CIDR’) range for the VPC and Subnet. A default value has been specified by the template, so there is no need to modify these values.
Click Next
The Options page can be used to specify additional parameters. You can browse the page, but leave settings at their default values.
Click Next
The Review page displays a summary of all settings. Some of the resources are defined with custom names, which can lead to naming conflicts. Therefore, CloudFormation prompts for an acknowledgement that custom names are being used.
Click Create stack
The stack will now enter the CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status.
Click the Events tab and scroll through the listing.
The listing shows (in reverse order) the activities performed by CloudFormation, such as starting to create a resource and then completing the resource creation. Any errors encountered during the creation of the stack will be listed in this tab.
Click the Resources tab.
The listing shows the resources that are being created. CloudFormation determines the optimal order for resources to be created, such as creating the VPC before the subnet.
Wait until the status changes to __CREATE_COMPLETE__. You can click Refresh occasionally to update the display.
Optional: Go to the VPC console to see the Lab VPC that was created. Then, return to the CloudFormation console.
Task 2: Add an Amazon S3 Bucket to the Stack
In this task, you will gain experience in editing a CloudFormation template.
Your objective is:
- Add an Amazon S3 bucket to the template
- Then update the stack with the revised template
This will result in a new bucket being deployed.
Rather than following pre-defined steps, you will need to discover how to update the template yourself!
Here are some tips:
- You should edit the task1.yaml file you downloaded earlier to include an Amazon S3 bucket
- Use this documentation page for assistance: Amazon S3 Template Snippets
- Look at the YAML example
- Your code should go under the Resources: header in the template file
- You do not require any Properties for this bucket resource
- Indents are important in YAML — use two spaces for each indent
- The correct solution is actually only needs two lines — one for the identifier and one for the Type
Once you have edited the template, continue with the following steps to update the stack.
In the CloudFormation console, select Lab.
Click Update.
Choose Replace current template, then choose Upload a template file. Click Choose file, then browse to and select the task1.yaml file that you modified.
Click Next
If you receive an error message, ask your instructor for assistance in debugging the problem.
On the Specify stack details page, click Next
On the Configure stack options page, click Next
Wait for CloudFormation to calculate the changes. Towards the bottom of the page, you should see something similar to this:
This indicates that CloudFormation will **Add** an Amazon S3 bucket. All other resources defined in the template will be **unchanged**. This demonstrates that it is fast and easy to add additional resources to an existing stack, since those resources do not need to be redeployed.
Click Update stack
After a minute, the stack status will change from UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS to __UPDATE_COMPLETE__.
Click the Resources tab.
The bucket will now be displayed in the list of resources. CloudFormation will have assigned it a random name so that it does not conflict with any existing buckets.
If the bucket was not correctly created, please ask your instructor for assistance.
To download a sample solution, right-click and download this link: task2.yaml
Optional: Go to the S3 console to see the bucket that was created. Then, return to the CloudFormation console.
Task 3: Add an Amazon EC2 Instance to the Stack
In this task, your objective is to add an Amazon EC2 instance to the template, then update the stack with the revised template.
Whereas the bucket definition was rather simple (just two lines), defining an Amazon EC2 instance is more complex because it needs to use associated resources, such as an AMI, security group and subnet.
First, however, you will add a special parameter that is used to provide a value for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
Update the template by adding these lines in the Parameters section:
Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value
Default: /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2
This parameter uses the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to retrieve the latest AMI (specified in the Default parameter, which in this case is Amazon Linux 2) for the stack’s region. This makes it easy to deploy stacks in different regions without having to manually specify an AMI ID for every region.
For more details of this method, see: AWS Compute Blog: Query for the latest Amazon Linux AMI IDs using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
When writing CloudFormation templates, you can refer to other resources in the template by using the
keyword. For example, here is a portion of the task1.yaml template that defines a VPC, then references the VPC within the Route Table definition:VPC:
Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable
VpcId: !Ref VPC
Note that it uses
!Ref VPC
to refer to the VPC resource. You will use this technique when defining the EC2 instance. -
Use the tips below to update the template to add an Amazon EC2 instance with the following Properties:
- ImageId: Refer to
, which is the parameter added in the previous step - InstanceType:
- SecurityGroupIds: Refer to
, which is defined elsewhere in the template - SubnetId: Refer to
, which is defined elsewhere in the template -
Tags: Use this YAML block:
- Key: Name
Value: App Server
Here are some tips:
- Use this documentation page for assistance: AWS::EC2::Instance
- Use the YAML version
- Your code should go under the Resources: header in the template file
- Only add the five Properties listed above, there is no need to include any other properties
- When referring to other resources in the same template, use
— see the example at the beginning of this task -
When referring to SecurityGroupIds, the template is actually expecting a list of security groups. You therefore need to list the security group like this:
- !Ref AppSecurityGroup
- ImageId: Refer to
Once you have edited the template, update the stack with your revised template file.
You should see this before deploying the update:
If you are experiencing difficulties in editing the template, please ask your instructor for assistance.
To download a sample solution, right-click and download this link: [task3.yaml](
The instance will now be displayed in the **Resources** tab.
**Optional:** Go to the EC2 console to see the _App Server_ that was created. Then, return to the CloudFormation console.
Task 4: Delete the Stack
When a CloudFormation stack is deleted, CloudFormation will automatically delete the resources that it created.
You will now delete the stack.
In the CloudFormation console, select Lab.
Click Delete, then at the prompt, click Delete stack.
The stack will show DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. After a few minutes, the stack will disappear.
Optional: Verify that the Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon EC2 instance and the VPC have been deleted.
Challenge Lab
This lab is an environment for creating an Amazon VPC and Amazon EC2 instance (and other supporting elements) using an AWS CloudFormation template. The goal of this lab is to create a CloudFormation template with the following components
- An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
- An internet gateway attached to the VPC
- Security groups for accessing the VPC configured to allow SSH from anywhere
- A private subnet within the VPC
- An Amazon EC2 instance (a T3.micro) within the private subnet (Note: It is not necessary to access the EC2 via SSH or Remote Desktop for a successful solution)
Build and test the lab iterating the solution until all components build. Let the instructor know when the template builds without error so they may review the completed solution.